Where Meaningful Activity and Active Participation Come First!

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“Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).” – FPPL

Hello and welcome to our school where we believe that children learn by doing. Our students are free to explore and learn from the environment around them as they develop a broad range of skills and interests to help them succeed now and in the future. We aim to foster children who think independently, problem solve, and know how to take care of themselves, others, and the land. We follow an interdisciplinary curriculum, where students are encouraged to work collaboratively on inquiry and project-based learning. As you look around our school, we hope that you will notice the many projects our students have been and continue to be involved in.

“It’s different at this school… I’m actually excited to learn.” —a grade 7 student

“The inquiry projects are fun and I actually like doing them because I learn a ton of interesting stuff… Believe it or not, Monday’s my favourite day of the week!” —a grade 8 student


  1. John Doey

    Enrolling my child in the Dewey School of Dewing was the best decision I have ever made!

  2. Johan Doey

    If you have the opportunity to get your young students into this system, please waste no time!

  3. Jim and Janice Dew

    Wow, our family loves everything about this place! From the curriculum, to the support groups and even the simple things like assessment. Thank you John Dewey for existing at one point. Without you, this school wouldn’t have changed our lives!

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